Questions about TED or TEPEZZA?
Call a Nurse Advocate at: 1-833-483-7399
Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) is a unique and rare condition. Make sure you’re seeing a doctor who has experience treating it, a TED Eye Specialist. When you first call your local TED Eye Specialist, please note the office staff may not know if TED is treated with TEPEZZA in that practice.
Use this tool to help your TED Eye Specialist better understand the full impact of TED on your daily life.
Call a Nurse Advocate at 1-833-483-7399, Monday through Friday, 8AM to 8PM ET.
Nurse Advocates do not provide individual patient care or medical advice. After speaking with a Nurse Advocate, be sure to talk with your doctor about your treatment options, including TEPEZZA.
If you are planning to have a telemedicine appointment with your doctor, learn how to prepare and what to expect with this helpful guide.
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TED Eye Specialist Finder Terms and Conditions: Horizon Therapeutics is providing this service to help patients and caregivers find a healthcare professional in their area who is knowledgeable about treating Thyroid Eye Disease and TEPEZZA.
No fees have been received by or paid to healthcare professionals for inclusion in this specialist locator directory. Inclusion of a healthcare professional in this directory does not represent an endorsement by or a recommendation from Horizon Therapeutics, nor does it imply that the healthcare professional on the list will determine that TEPEZZA is right for you.
You are ultimately responsible for the selection of a healthcare professional and it is an important decision that you should consider carefully. This tool is just one source of information available to you.
Note: If you are a healthcare professional and have questions regarding this finder, please call 1-855-380-0472.
Infusion reactions can happen during or within 24 hours after your infusion of TEPEZZA. If you have a reaction while receiving TEPEZZA, your doctor or nurse will slow or stop your infusion and treat your reaction. If you have a severe infusion reaction, your doctor may stop your treatment completely.
If you have inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, TEPEZZA may make your IBD symptoms worse. Symptoms of worsening IBD may include: an increased number of loose stools with stomach pain or cramps, and blood in your stools. After each TEPEZZA infusion, tell your doctor right away if you have worsening IBD symptoms.
TEPEZZA may cause an increase in your blood sugar. Before starting treatment with TEPEZZA, tell your doctor if you are currently being treated for diabetes, know your blood sugar is high, or have been diagnosed with diabetes. It is important for you to take your treatments and follow an appropriate diet for glucose control as prescribed by your doctor.
TEPEZZA may cause severe hearing problems including hearing loss, which in some cases may be permanent. Tell your doctor if you have any signs or symptoms of hearing problems or changes in hearing.
The most common side effects of TEPEZZA include muscle cramps or spasms, nausea, hair loss, diarrhea, feeling tired, high blood sugar, hearing problems, taste changes, headache, dry skin, weight loss, nail problems, and changes in menstruation.
This is not a complete list of all possible side effects. Tell your doctor or treatment team about any side effect you may have.
TEPEZZA is a prescription medicine used to treat Thyroid Eye Disease (TED), no matter if you’ve had TED for months or years.
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